Toolbar Reference Guide
The most commonly used design and editing tools are represented as icons in the toolbar. You can access commands with the click of a mouse; there’s no need to navigate through a series of pull down menus. You can add or remove different types of notches, create darts, add seam allowances pleats and buttons and view everything on the screen as you are working.
You can customize the toolbars to add/remove and decide which tools you want to access quickly.
The following toolbars are available: (click on a toolbar to view more details)
Tool |
Icon |
Shortcut |
Description |
End |
Selects pieces, points, or objects, and move by clicking and dragging or using the space key. |
Select Segment Tool |
Selects a segment. |
Compares the length between segments and lines. |
Ctrl +N |
Creates a new file. |
Ctrl +O |
Opens an existing file. |
Save |
Ctrl +S |
Saves a file. |
Ctrl +P |
Prints the pieces in the Working Area.. |
Ctrl +L |
Plots the pieces in the Working Area. |
Shows how the pattern will be plotted through a preview dialog. |
Arrange on Working Area |
Ctrl +K |
Arranges all the pieces in the Working Area as they would be for plotting. |
Arrange for Plot |
Arranges and spreads the pieces currently in the piece list in the Working Area. |
Arrange on Working Area with Gap |
Arranges for plot with a large gap, only for pieces currently in the Working Area. |
Arrange All |
Arranges all the pieces in the Working Area for plot. |
Arrange Two Overlapped Pieces |
Arranges and spreads overlapping pieces two at a time. |
Exports the current file to Excel format. |
Digitally inputs a paper pattern. |
Ctrl+Num+ |
Drags a rectangle over the area you are zooming in on. |
Num + |
Zooms in on a specific piece. |
Num - |
Zooms out on a specific piece. |
Home |
Zooms in on all pieces in the Working Area. |
Selects an area to zoom in real scale. |
Ctrl +Home |
Zooms in by selecting a piece. |
Ctrl +Z |
Undoes the last action. |
Ctrl +Y |
Redoes the last action. |
Ctrl +X |
Cuts the selected piece(s) and stores it (them) on the clipboard. |
Ctrl +C |
Copies the selected piece(s) and stores it (them) on the clipboard. |
Ctrl +V |
Pastes piece(s) saved to the clipboard. |
Removes selected pieces from the Working Area and saves them to the Pieces window. |
Refreshes selected piece(s) in the Pieces window according to the changes done in the Working Area. |
Removes selected piece(s) from the Working Area without saving changes. |
Saves the selected piece as a copy and removes it from the Working Area. |
F9 |
Removes all but the selected pieces. |
Replaces selected edited piece(s) in the Working Area with the original piece(s) in the Pieces window. |
Help Index |
Opens the Help menu. |
Tool |
Icon |
Shortcut |
Description |
Ctrl +R |
Transforms an angular corner into a rounded corner. |
Cuts an angular corner in a specified distance. |
G |
Aligns multiple points vertically, horizontally or by a specified angle. |
Aligns objects vertically, according to a selected object. |
Aligns objects horizontally, according to a selected object. |
Aligns objects on a selected line. |
Reshapes a line by deleting unnecessary support points, to end hold Shift on last click. |
Connects two non-closed internal contours. |
Splits an internal contour into separate segments. |
Segment To Flip Internal |
Creates an internal contour from a contour segment with a flip. |
Creates a contour from the selected segment and extends it. |
Converts the selected button or circle into a contour. |
Extends an internal line, dart or circle up to the contour, or by a specified length. |
Using the rectangle selection tool, extends the ends of the internal contours. |
Shift +T |
Cuts off an internal line up to a meeting point with another line. |
Using the selection rectangle to select internal contours, then trim internal contours. |
Ctrl+Shift+T |
Cuts off two internal lines at their intersection point. |
Adds internal contours between two segments. |
Converts a closed internal contour into a non-closed one for cutting purposes. |
Tool |
Icon |
Shortcut |
Description |
W F11: Flips the walking direction F12: Adds notches to rotating and stationary pieces Ctrl+ F12: Adds a notch to a stationary piece Shift +F12: Adds a notch to a rotating piece |
Walks pieces together. |
Shift+Alt+D |
Walks by segments. |
Ctrl +D |
Measures the distance between two points, or along a straight or curved line. |
J |
Joins two pieces into one piece. |
C |
Drafts a cut line on a piece and splits it into two pieces. |
Ctrl+Shift+C |
Cuts a piece along an internal line. |
B |
Automatically builds a new piece from selected sections of existing piece(s). |
Ctrl+ B |
Builds a new piece by following along segments in/of a piece/overlapping pieces. |
Ctrl+Shift+B |
Builds a new piece out of overlapping pieces. |
Ctrl+Shift+Z |
Builds a new zone in a selected section of a piece. |
Shift+Z |
Builds a new zone in a piece by following along segments. |
Swaps between internal lines to determine the border of a zone. |
Draft Zone |
Drafts a zone on the current mapped piece. |
Ctrl+Shift+F |
Folds out a facing or lapel line or any selected internal line. |
Shift+F |
Folds in a part of a piece along a selected internal line. |
Folds in a part of a piece along two selected points. |
Folds one segment onto another segment. |
Tool |
Icon |
Shortcut |
Description |
O |
Adds a point along a line. |
Shift +O |
Adds a point outside of a contour line; the contour line will shift towards the new point. |
Sets selected contour point as the start point of the piece. |
Adds a point with None attribute to be used as a reference point. |
NA |
Ctrl +Shift+A |
Adds a point or notch relative to the selected point. |
N |
Adds a notch on a segment. |
Shift+N |
Adds a notch on a corner point to place it on the previous/next segment. |
Ctrl +Shift+N |
Adds a point to any existing notch |
Displays and sets grading of a single notch relative to a selected grading point for all sizes. |
S |
Adds/changes seam allowance. |
Creates a basic seam for the same pieces. |
Shift+S |
Removes the seam allowance from the entire piece. |
Creates a round seam corner. |
Creates an arc seam. |
Creates a wave seam. |
Customizes a corner for the seam allowance. |
Copies the seam from a selected segment. |
Pastes a copied seam to a selected segment. |
Replicates the seam shape from one piece to another. |
Places one piece over another and matches the shape of their seam. |
Applies seam allowance by clicking over segments. |
Converts an internal line into a seam. |
Ctrl+Alt+D |
Drafts a dart, shifts a dart, or shifts a dart Apex. |
Closes or opens a dart. |
Rotate Piece By Dart |
Rotates the piece according to the dart. |
Slashes and spreads a piece at a selected area to add fullness. |
Slashes and spreads a selected area in the piece to set a dart. |
Adjusts a dart while maintaining two fixed pivot points. |
Closes a dart while maintaining two fixed pivot points. |
Arcs dart legs and cuts out selected dart. |
Slashes and cuts a piece thus creating a fan effect. |
Copies/Pastes dart parameters. |
Removes excess material from within a piece. |
Allows you to select multiple darts at once. |
Ctrl+Alt+C |
Selects a center and diameter to define a circle. |
Selects three points to define a circle. |
Ctrl+Alt+B |
Creates a button or a drill hole. |
Adds several buttons in a row. |
Adds several lines in a row. |
T |
Allows you to type additional text on a piece in any location. |
Sets the text location and direction inside the piece. |
L |
Adds a pleat between two selected points |
Shift+L |
Draws pleat lines (axis lines) from which to create pleats. |
Ctrl+Shift+L |
Selects multiple pleats (allowing you to edit multiple properties at once). |
A |
Creates an internal arched line or reshapes a contour as an arched line. |
Creates an internal waved line or reshapes a contour as a waved line. |
Tool |
Icon |
Shortcut |
Description |
Backspace |
Deletes objects such as points, internal lines, pleats, darts or buttons. |
D |
Drafts contours and internal lines. Hold down the SHIFT key to draft curved points. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C |
Creates a line that runs between two selected points on two circles. |
M |
Moves a selected point. |
Shift+M |
Moves a single point along an existing line. |
Ctrl+M |
Reshapes and trues a line by moving its points proportionally. |
Ctrl+Shift+M |
Moves a line of selected points equally and in the same direction, thus maintaining the length of the line. |
Ctrl+Alt+M |
Moves a chain of points using DX, DY, Distance and Angle values for each point. |
Q |
Moves several points and internal objects from a single piece or multiple pieces. |
Moves a segment without changing a specified sub-segment (a smaller segment). |
Rotates a sub-segment without changing a specified segment. |
Moves a selected piece across your work area. |
Places one piece over another according to matching segments. |
| |
Moves internal elements on the same piece. |
Shift+I |
Selects multiple internal lines or elements. This helps to clean up patterns. |
R |
Rotates a piece around a center point. |
Alt+R |
Rotates a contour or text. |
Rotates a piece or several pieces, internal objects or the baseline by a specified number of degrees. |
Rotates a segment around a pivot point. |
- |
Rotates a piece horizontally to a selected line. |
Shift+- |
Rotates a piece vertically to a selected line. |
[ |
Rotates a piece in a clockwise direction. |
] |
Rotates a piece in a counter clockwise direction. |
Shift+= |
Flips a piece from left to right (Y axis). |
= |
Flips a piece from top to bottom (X axis). |
Ctrl+= |
Flips a piece along a selected line. |
Ctrl+/ |
Redraws and centers the baseline. |
Shift+/ |
Rotates the piece so that the baseline is horizontal. |
/ |
Rotates the baseline parallel to two selected points. |
Rotates the baseline perpendicular to two selected points. |
H |
Creates a mirrored half of a piece along a selected segment. |
Ctrl+Alt+H |
Creates a mirrored piece for the piece's contour alone along a selected segment. |
Shift+H |
Opens a halved piece and protects it from changes. |
Ctrl+H |
Reverses the Open Half. |
Copies and flips all internals from one piece to another. |
Swaps an internal segment with an external contour. |
P |
Creates a line parallel to the selected line. |
Shift+P |
Extends the selected line in a parallel motion. |
Tool |
Icon |
Shortcut |
Description |
Left Arrow |
Selects the previous grading point. |
Shift+C |
Copies X & Y Grading values in order to paste them on a different grading point. |
A mode in which the grading values will be pasted relatively to the piece center (flips grading around the piece center). |
Shift+V |
Pastes both X and Y grading values to a selected point. |
Shift+X |
Pastes only the X grading values to a selected point. |
Shift+Y |
Pastes only the Y grading values to a selected point. |
Pastes the diagonal distance value (dd) to a selected point. |
Clears all grading values in the selected grading point. |
Flips the grading values from + to – along the X axis. |
Equals X grading for all sizes. |
Clears the X grading values for selected points. |
Flips the grading values from + to – along the Y axis. |
Equals Y grading for all sizes. |
Clears the Y grading values for selected points. |
Stacks separate pieces to create a graded nest. |
Grades the intermediate points between two grading points proportionally. |
Stacks grading on a selected point. |
Right Arrow |
Selects the next grading point. |
Tool |
Icon |
Shortcut |
Description |
Ctrl+Alt+D |
Adds a dart. |
Closes or reopens a dart. |
Rotate By Piece Dart |
Rotates a piece by a dart. |
Slashes and spreads to add fullness. |
Creates a dart by pivot points. |
Edits a dart by pivot points. |
Closes a dart by pivot points. |
Arches and cuts a dart. |
Slashes and cuts a piece thus creating a fan effect. |
Copies and pastes dart parameters. |
Removes excess material within a piece. |
Selects multiple darts (so you can edit multiple properties.) |
Creates a dart between two points. |
Creates multiple darts. |
Copies a dart. |
Pastes a dart. |
Closes a dart by pivot points. |
Fixes a dart. |
Tool |
Icon |
Shortcut |
Description |
4 |
Shows or hides the current style set. |
2 |
Shows or hides the grading table. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R |
Shows or hides the grading rules library. |
5 |
Measures and compares segment lengths. |
Shift+1 |
Shows or hides the calculator window. |
3D View |
7 |
Shows or hides the 3D View window. |
9 |
Shows or hides the shader window. |
3D Properties |
8 |
Shows or hides the 3D properties of the selected stitch. |
0 |
Shows or hides the stitch data. |
Ctrl+Shift+Num+ |
Shows or hides the rulers. |
Pattern Shaders |
Shows or hides pattern shaders. |
Fills the screen with the fabric pattern. |
Clip Fabric Pattern |
Shows the fabric pattern clipped to the pieces. |
Shows or hides control points. |