Copy/Paste Seam

You can use the Copy Seam tool, when you want to copy the seam parameters (width and seam type) to the Seam clipboard, in order to paste it easily on other pieces.

Note: If the number of copied grading points is not equal to the number of pasted points, an error message is displayed. The Copy Seam action does not override the Windows clipboard.


  • /

  • Menu: Tools> Seam > Copy Seam

  • Menu: Tools> Seam > Paste Seam

  • Toolbar: Insert

  • Toolbox: Seam

To use the Copy Seam tool:

Select the Copy Seam tool.

Select a seamed segment by clicking from point to point in a clockwise direction.

The Paste Seam tool is automatically activated.

Select the segment to which you want to paste the selected segment.

To paste the seam in the opposite direction hold down the Shift key while selecting the points.

The seam is copied to the piece as follows:

 See also:Toolbox Seam Tools