Copy (Flip) All Internals

You can use the Copy (Flip) All Internals tool, when you want to copy and flip all internal objects from one to piece to another piece.

Icon & Location

  • Menu: Piece > Modify > Copy (Flip) All Internals

  • Toolbar: Edit

  • Toolbox: Contour

To use the Copy Flip All Internals tool:

From the main menu, go to Piece > Modify > Copy (Flip) All Internals

The cursor turns into a hand as follows:

Click on the piece that contains the internals that you want to move and while holding down the mouse, click on the piece where you are moving the internals to as follows:

The Copy and Flip All Internals dialog appears:

Notice the number of internals appears according to the source piece. In this example, there are 4 buttons and two internal contours.

On the right-hand side, select the Use checkbox next to each internal object you want to copy. For example, if the source piece has buttons, click Use to copy all the buttons.

The Use checkbox is only available for internals that were found in the source piece. If the internal was not found, the Use checkbox is disabled.

In the Flip by the Baseline Center area, define if you want to flip the internals:

None: If you do not want to flip the internals after copying.

Flip Left/Right: If you want to flip the internals to the left/right to the center of the baseline after copying.

Flip Up/Down: If you want to flip the internals up/down to the center of the baseline after copying.

Click Ok when you are done.

In the example below, all the internals were copied and were flipped: