Trace Segments

You can use the Trace Segments tool when you want to create a new piece from the segments of an existing piece or of several pieces.
Note: After creating a new piece, you should move it away from the original piece, so that it does not overlap and cause confusion.

Icon & Location

  • Toolbar: Piece

  • Toolbox: Build & Cut

To use the Trace Segments tool:

  1. Select the Trace Segments tool.

  2. Click in the middle of a segment (on the line between two Grading Points).

  3. Trace in a clockwise direction.

    When tracing is completed a dialog is displayed asking you if you want to create the new contour.

  4. Select Yes.

    Select No, if you want to manually finish the tracing.

    The new piece is created from the traced segments:

  5. Use your mouse to move the newly created piece away from the original piece as follows: