Rotate Segment

You can use the Rotate Segment tool to alter a section by rotating it around a pivot point. The pivot point can be placed anywhere on the piece, or out of the piece. This can also be used for slashing and spreading purposes.

Icon & Location

To use the rotate segment tool:

  1. Select the Rotate Segment tool.

    The cursor changes to:

  1. Click to place the pivot point, anywhere in or out of the piece. An 'X' shows the marked spot.

  1. Click first and last point in a clockwise direction to select the segment to Rotate.

    Alternatively, drag around the the whole segment you want to select

    The selected segment's points are highlighted.

  1. Click one of the selected points.

    The selected segment now moves along with the mouse so you can rotate it interactively around the preset pivot point.

  1. Click to anchor the rotated segment.

    The Rotation dialog appears:

  2. In the Angle field, enter the angle of rotation you require.

  3. To adjust the angle, click the + and - buttons.

  4. To change the distance, enter a value for the distance.

  5. If you want the first/last point to remain fixed (and not to move with the segment when it is rotated), select the Keep First Point or Keep last Point check boxes.

  6. If you want to rotate according to a defined degrees, you can click one of the pre-defined buttons, for example 90.

    Each time you make a change, you can preview the change in the Working Area.

  7. Click Ok when you are done:

The segment is rotated.


 See also: Using PDS Functions: 2D rotating