Select Tool

Use the Select tool to restore the cursor to its normal arrow shape while you are using another tool.

Icon & Location

  • Toolbar: General

  • Toolbox: General

To use the Select Tool:

Use the Select tool to select pieces and Objects.




Click inside the piece or on its contour.

Internal Contour

Click on the internal contour between two points.


Click on the first point of the segment, then drag up to the last point of the segment.


Click on the point.


Click on the tip of the notch.


Click on the dart tip.


Click on the dashed lines of the pleat.


Click on the text.


Click on the button.


Click on the contour of the circle.


If you need to select multiple pieces that are overlapped, or when you want to make a quick selection of internals, you can drag either Left to Right or Right to Left.

Right to Left will select all the pieces.

Left to Right will select some of the pieces.

Note: If you are using the Select Internal tool and you need to select a piece that is not selected, right click on the piece to activate it.


Multiple Selection

  • Use the Selection Rectangle to select multiple pieces, by dragging the rectangle around the pieces you wish to select.

  • Use the Shift key to add pieces/objects to a selection.

  • To cancel a multiple selection click outside the pieces, on the Working Area.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Shift: Allows you to select several objects or pieces.

  • Shift + Back Space: Allows you to switch selection between an "external on internal" or "internal on internal" point (when not connected).