Set Piece /Contour Start Point

You can use the Set Piece Start Point option, when you want to define which grading point will become the start point. Defining the first grading point and the order of all the other grading points is particularly important when creating (and applying) a rule created from all the pieces' contour points. Show the Contour point numbers through the View & Selection.

When using the Set Half Tool, the first point is automatically set to be the last selected point of the symmetric line. When the piece is 'halved', you can no longer change the start point manually.

Icon & Location

To set the piece's start point:

Create your piece or edit an existing piece:

Select the point to be set as the piece's first point.

In this example we selected the 3rd point:

From the main menu, go to Piece>  General > Set Piece Start Point.

The selected point is now the first point.

 See also: Points and Notches