Move Points In Parallel Tool

Move several points on a segment (contour or internal) parallely. Click the first and second points to select first and last moving points. All points between those points will also move. Click again, on one of the selected segment, and move the points. Selected segment section will move, keeping the segment the same length, while adding an even amount of movement. This tool works like slash and spread to add an even distance inside a pattern.

Icon & Location

  • Toolbar: Edit

  • Toolbox: Movement

To Move Points In Parallel Tool:

  1. Select the Move Parallel tool.

  2. Click on the points on each end of the segment to be moved Parallel.

  3. Select a point to move by.

  4. Move the points to the desired position and click the mouse again to anchor the points. The Move Segment Proportional dialog box displays.

  5. Click OK.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Alt – open Move Point Dialog (In case it is disabled in the preferences).

  • Ctrl – Disregard the snap definition.

  • Shift - Invoke a different algorithm for the proportional movement.

  • . (Period) – Restrain the cursor movement to the X axis (press ESC to exit this mode).

  • .(Period) + Shift - Restrain the cursor movement to the Y axis (press ESC to exit this mode).