Multi Move Tool

The Multi Move tool allows you to move several points and/or internal objects (internal point, button, circle and dart tip) in pieces (single or multiple).

Icon & Location

  • Toolbar: Edit

  • Toolbox: Movement

To use the Multi Move Tool:

  1. Select the Multi Move tool.

  2. Using the rectangle selection tools, drag a rectangle over the area of the piece/s where the points/internal objects are located as follows:

    All points in the selection rectangle are selected as follows:

  3. Click on the first point of the segment where the points are located.

  4. Select a point and while down your mouse, drag to the desired location:

  5. Let go of your mouse once you reach the location.

    All the points are moved as follows:

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Before left-mouse click for Selection Rectangle:

    • Hold Shift key to directly open the Move Point Dialog (without choosing a manual move handle).

    • Hold Ctrl key to allow addition of other points.

    • Hold Alt key to allow subtraction of selected points.

  • When using manual move handle:

    • Hold Alt key to directly open the Move Point Dialog (if it was disabled in the preferences).

    • Press . (Period key) to restrain the cursor movement to the X axis (press ESC to exit this mode).

    • Press . (Period key) + Shift key to restrain the cursor movement to the Y axis (press ESC to exit this mode).