Create Parallel Tool

You can use the Create Parallel tool when you want to create a line parallel to a selected segment (contour or internal contour).

  • The parallel line can be graded automatically according to its position.

  • If no segment is selected, a parallel line will be created over the entire piece.

ClosedClick here to see a use case when the Create Parallel tool can be used.

Practical Example Skirt Draft

  1. Select Create Parallel, select the first and last point of waistband on Skirt Draft.

  2. Type in High hip and Hip line, uncheck Distances are Relative, select OK


  1. Continue using Create Parallel and Draft Tool

  2. Create darts to complete Skirt Draft



Finished Skirt Draft


Icon & Location

  • Toolbar: Edit

  • Toolbox: Contour

To use the Create a Parallel tool:

  1. Select the Create Parallel tool.

  2. Select a segment (from first point to last point in a clockwise direction).

    The Create Line Parallel To Segment dialog appears:

  3. View the fields as follows:





    Sets the distance of the parallel line from the selected segment.

    Internal Contour

    Distance On Contour


    Sets the distance of the parallel line along the contour. When changing this value the Distance field is automatically updated. This field is active only when a contour segment is selected.

    From First/ Last Point


    Sets the value of 'Distance from contour' from the first/ last point. This field is active only when a contour segment is selected.

    Extend First/ Last Point


    Extends the first/ last point up to the contour.

    Grade New Segment

    If the new internal contour intersects with a graded contour, or if it is extended to the contour, then the new internal contour is graded according to its position. If this checkbox is unchecked the internal contour remains ungraded.

    Relative Distances

    If you added multiple parallel lines (by using a comma to separate them in the Distance field), you can create each line additively using this field. For example, if 1,2,3 are in the dialog and "Relative Distances" is checked the parallel lines will be 1,3 and 6 away from the original segment. Examples below.

    Note: Drafting a new pattern is a good example for the use of Multiple Parallel lines. Create a new piece big enough for the final draft. Create parallel lines for all body height in one step.

  4. Set the required fields and then click Ok when you are done.