Fix Dart

You can use the Fix Dart tool when you want to fix unequal segments of a dart, or an incorrect overlap.

Icon & Location

  • Menu: Tools> Darts> Fix dart

  • Toolbar: Darts

  • Toolbox: Darts & Pleats

  • Dart Properties Pane

To use the Fix Dart tool:

  1. Select a dart.

  2. Select the Fix Dart tool.

    The Fix Darts dialog appears:

  3. In the Fix Method area, select one of the following options:

    Move Dart Center: If you want to move the dart's center:

    Make first edge shorter: If you want to shorten the first edge of the dart

    Make second edge shorter: If you want to shorten the second edge of the dart

    Average first and second dart legs: Makes the first and second edges of the dart even