Fold Line to Line

You can use the Fold Line to Line tool, when you want to fold so that the angles of each line match each other, regardless of the end points. There are two ways this tool can be used.  

A. The user selects the first line, then the second line, and the created fold will match both lines along the second line.

B. The user will select the first two points (while pressing Shift) to represent the first line, then they will select the second two points (while pressing Shift) to represent the second line, and the created fold will match both lines along the second line.

Icon & Location

  • Toolbar: Piece

  • Toolbox: Build & Cut

To use the Fold Line to Line tool:

  1. Open a PDS file.

  1. Select the FoldLine to Line tool:

If you want to fold one segment to another segment:

  1. Click on the first segment (for example, segment 3 to 4):

  1. Click on the second segment to which you are folding: (for example, segment 2 to 3). Here you can see the segments folded onto one another.

If you want to fold by clicking on points, not on the entire segment:

  1. While holding down the Shift button on your keyboard, select the first point on the first segment and drag until you reach the second point:

  1. While holding down the Shift button on your keyboard, select the first point on the second segment and drag until you reach the second point:

Once you are done, the segment is folded as follows: