Arc Tool

You can use the Arc tool when you want to create an arc as an internal contour or use it to reshape a selected segment. This tool is commonly used, as it allows easy reshaping of segments such as Armscye, sleeves, etc. There is also an option of reshaping two pieces at-once, in cases such as a tailored sleeve that 'shares' the same curve.

Icon & Location

  • Toolbar: Insert

To use the Arc tool:

  1. Open a piece that you want to fix.

    For example, in the piece below the armhole is distorted and needs to be reshaped:

  2. Select the Arc tool.

  3. Click on the first and last point.

  1. Move the mouse to see the curve preview.

  1. Click for the 3rd time.

    The Create Arc dialog appears:

    View the fields as follows:



    Number Of Points Along Arc

    Set the number of non-grading points that will 'support' the arc. 'Number of internal points' by default is 9. If changed, the system will remember the last number used. Basically. this field should not be changed, but if changed, make sure to enter an odd number – this way there will be a non-grading point exactly in the middle of the curve.


    Set the radius of the arc.


    Set the distance from the middle of the selected segment.


    This value can also be seen when pressing the Shift key , and the center point is shifted. The distance from the original curve's center is marked.

    Contour Reshape

    This option is enabled only when the first and last points selected are clicked on points that already exist. By default, if the is the case the segment will be reshaped.


  1. Change the settings in the Create Arc dialog and click Ok.

    The segment is reshaped as follows: