Grading Table

Use the Grading Table command to hide or display the Grading Table. The Grading Table contains grading information such as growth values for delta X and delta Y on a selected grading point. Most grading operations are completed with the grading table displayed.

Icon & Location

  • Menu: View

  • Toolbar:Views


View the fields as follows:




List of the sizes in the file with hide or display check boxes. Use F4 shortcut key to show/hide all sizes, or check the box next to the size you wish to view on the Working Area.


dx & dy

Grading Values are displayed in the Grading Table whenever a point is selected. The grading values are also used to grade internals, like buttons and lines.

Tip: For Equal Grading

  • Select all rows of column dx or dy (by holding the LeftMouseButton and dragging all the way down).

  • Set the value of the smallest size.

  • Right click, then select Equal.

  • Value is set for all sizes and flips for bigger sizes (for example, negative value for smallest size flips to positive value for biggest size).



Diagonal Distance between base size point and graded points.



The Absolute button  will set a mode in which the dx, dy and dd increments will be displayed as absolute distances from the base size. The grading itself will not change.


Table Right Click Menu

Right Click on selected column to have the menu opened

Equal All

Equal all rows in both columns (dx & dy)according to the values off the first size.


Zero all rows of selected column.


Equal all rows on selected column according to the first size value.


Flip negative to positive and vice versa.


Copy whole column.


Paste whole column.

Reset Grid Size

Return to the default size of the grid.


Table With Variation Grading

New! In Version 11 whenever size variations tables are defined, you can easily switch between the tables tabs.


Grade By Angle

Sometimes there's a need to use alternate axis lines in order to maintain a certain angle of diagonal line or curve.
In some cases you'll find the command Parallel Grading helpful and in other cases the option of grading on Angle would be more appropriate.


To use the grade by angel:

  1. Select a grading point.

  2. Click on the Angle button.

    A small XY axis will appear on the point.
    Set the correct Angle (0 by default):

    1. Type in the angle.

    2. Select direction from the Angle menu.

  3. Set the grading values.

  4. When finished with grading by angle click on the Angle icon again to exit this mode.



Angle Menu

Previous Point

Alternative X axis elongates the line between previous point and selected point.

Next Point

Alternative X axis elongates the line between selected point and next point.


Alternative X axis is on the tangent line of the selected point (mostly used on curves).

Rotate Right

Alternative XY rotates 90° to the right.

Rotate Left

Alternative XY rotates 90° to the left.