Compare Length

You can use the Compare Length tool when you want to compare the lengths between two or more segments. Length comparisons can be applied to all sizes of a piece, for example, you can compare the length of an armhole seam with a sleeve seam. The total armhole seam equals the length of the back armhole seam, plus the length of the front armhole seam. The combined measurement of the front and back armhole seam is then compared to the sleeve seam.

There are a few different ways to select pieces when using the Compare Length tool. You can use the Select tool and drag from point to point, you can use the Select Segment tool to select anywhere on a segment, or you can select two pieces using the Selection Rectangle.

You can also add or subtract by using the Plus/Minus signs, or you can press the Shift /Ctrl buttons on your keyboard.

Icon & Location

  • Toolbar: General

  • Toolbox: General

To use the Compare Length tool:

  1. Select the Compare Length tool.

    The Compare Length dialog appears and the mouse cursor changes into a selection cursor:

  2. View the fields/buttons in the Compare Length dialog as follows:



    Add (+)/ Subtract (-)

    Allows you to add / subtract the selected segment to a new column.

    Segment Length



    Allows you to define the measurement length. It is advised to leave the default Along Contour.

    Along Contour:Adds the distance from the first and last point, along all the points and curves.

    Along Straight: Adds the distance from the first and last point, along a direct line.

    By X: Adds the distance from the first and last point, along the X axis.

    By Y: Adds the distance from the first and last point, along the Y axis.


    Displays all the available sizes in the style file.


    Displays the length of the selected segment.

    Grade Total

    Displays the difference between sizes.


    Subtracts the difference between the added and subtracted values.


    Displays a proportion of ease/gathering in each size.




    Allows you to update the measurements after making changes to a segment.


    Allows you to delete all the data from the table.

    Report to Excel

    Allows you to send the information to an Excel report.


    Allows you to send the information to a printer.

  3. Select the first segment for comparison (we will select the armhole of the front piece) and then press the plus sign at the bottom left side of the dialog box. (Notice that the segment length for each size displays under the + sign column.)

  4. Select the segment to compare to the first segment (we will now select the armhole of the back piece)

  5. While pressing down Shift, now select the segment of the sleeve cap (you can click the minus sign instead if you prefer).

    Note: When an internal segment is connected to a contour segment, you can select the internal before taking the length. This will avoid the contour length.

  6. In the above example, the Compare Length table contains the following information:


    Segment of armhole in front.


    Segment of armhole in back.

    Total +

    The total length of armhole front + back.

    Grade Total +

    The difference between sizes.


    Segment of sleeve cap.


    The total length of the sleeve cap.

    Grade Total

    The difference between sizes.


    The difference between the added and subtracted values (armhole minus the sleeve cap).


    The proportion of ease/gathering in each size.

  7. You can modify your segments and later go to Menu> Update to obtain the new lengths.

  8. You can copy the values to other applications such as Excel, by using the Copy option.

  9. To remove all the lengths from the measurement table, go to Menu > Clear.