Grading Menu

The Grading menu is used when you are grading your pattern.

The following options are available:

Sizes Table


Stack Point

Stack Along Line

Stack by Baseline

Remove Baseline Grading

Restore Stack

Clear Restore Stack Data


Reshape Variation Grading

Copy Grading

Paste Grading

Paste XY Grading

Paste DD Grading

Pate Relatively

Set Grading Tool

Match Segment

Flip Grading

Flip Grading

Grade Equally

Grade Equally

Break Size

Regrade by Break Size

Regrade All by Break Size

Clear Grading


Grade Proportionally

Parallel Grading

Grade by Seam

Grade by Scale

Grade Along Line

Extend Grading

Graded Nest

Create Piece for Selected Size


Rules Library

Create New Rules Library

Open Rules Library

Merge Rules Library

Import AAMA Rule Table

Save Rules Library

Save Rules Library as New

Close Rules Library

Remove Rules Reference


New Rule

Delete Rule

Rename Rule

Apply Rule

Apply Rule

Apply Rule by Name

Find and Apply Rules by Names

Update Rules

Rules Library Sizes

Load Sizes

 See also: