Using the Set Grading Tool

You can use the Set Grading tool when you are adding grading to your pattern and you need to have equal increment for all your sizes. This allows you to easily add sizes either per segment or piece without having to manually define the grading per size. For example, let's say you want to define sizes for the length of a skirt and you do not want to add too much of an increment. Using the Set Grading tool you can quickly add the segment length and apply to all sizes at the same time.

To use the Set Grading tool:

  1. Create your pattern or piece.

  2. While standing on the piece, right-click then go to Grading > Sizes as follows:

    The Sizes Table dialog appears:

  1. To add sizes, in the Insert Sizes field, enter the number of sizes you want to appear before the Base size and then press Insert Sizes.

  2. In the Append Sizes field, enter the number of sizes you want to appear after the Base size, then press Append Sizes.

    Your table should look like this when you are done:

  1. Click Close.

  2. Open up the Grading Table (go to View > Grading Table or press 2 on your keyboard.)

  1. To use the Set Grading tool, click the icon.

  2. Select a grading point, segment or piece (using the select tool). Let's select the segment for the length of the skirt.

  3. The Grading Tool dialog is displayed:

    Click to expand one of the options below:

    ClosedTo apply equal grading values to all sizes:

    In the Grading Tooll dialog, define the grading for the X and Y directions.

    In the Apply to area, select one of the options:

    X and Y: If you want to apply the value to both the X and Y indexes.

    Only X: If you want to apply the grading only to the X index.

    Only Y: if you want to apply the grading only to the Y index.

    If you already entered a value and you want to reuse the same value, click Last Used.

    ClosedTo apply different values per size:

    1. Click Show Sizes.

    1. Select the Show from Base Size checkbox if you want the values to go according to the base size.

    2. To edit a specific value, in the grid go to the row of the size you are editing. For example, go to Base 2, in the X field, enter -4. This will make the change only to the base 2 column.

    3. Repeat the above step for all X and Y values of the sizes you require.

  1. Click Apply when you are done.

    Your pattern is graded as follows: (Each color represents a different size).

  1. If you do not see the grading, press F4.

 See also: