3D Workflow

The following diagram shows the basic workflow of taking a 2D pattern and turning it into a 3D sample:


Prerequisites: Includes preparing avatars, preparing stitch assets (presets), preparing textures/logos, rigid parts and the fabric list.

Acquiring 2D Pattern: The user can either import a file into the PDS, or create a pattern from scratch.

Loading Avatar: Using Load Model, the user can load the avatar they defined and can select required sizes, final poses, etc.

Assigning Location: The user can assign piece locations, shapes, define layers and select physical fabric properties.

Stitching the Pattern: The user can now stitch the pieces together.

Positioning Pieces in 3D: The user can place the cloth on the avatar and move pieces to adjust their position.

(Optional) Creating Mating Lines: The user can create mating lines if they want to make sure the pattern sits at the right place on the avatar.

Simulating and Checking Fit: The user can now simulate the pattern, and then check fit by seeing final poses, using Tension Map, etc.

Accessorizing: The user can now add visual stitches using the Seam & Stitch Manager and add rigid parts if required.

2D 3D Modifications: The user can make changes to the pattern, for example, remove sleeves, lengthen a skirt, etc.

Assigning Shaders & Colorways: The user can now assign shaders and textures to the different elements in the pattern.

Getting Real Life Results: The user can now view the pattern using different rendering engines (HQR, PRR) and then save images.

Sharing with Others: Once the pattern is complete, the user can upload the sample to O/Cloud and share with others.