Assigning Piece Location

Once the pattern is loaded, you can now define the location of pieces so they are located correctly on the avatar. In this step, you can define the piece location, setup layers, as well as define physical fabric properties. For further detailed information about the different attributes available under the 3D Properties dialog, see Piece 3D Properties.

Note: Starting from version O/19, if the avatar contains a skeleton, the initial positioning of the pieces in 3D will depend on the location and avatar skeleton. This means that if for example you assign a front location and your avatar is taller, the piece will adjust itself according to the skeleton's height and vice versa.

To assign piece location:

Open the 3D Properties dialog (press 8 on your keyboard).

Location is defined under Positioning.

Note: By default, all pieces are assigned as Front.

To change the default location, first select the piece. For example, select the back piece.

Under Location, select Back.

Do the same for all the pieces in your pattern.

If you need to change a layer, for example you want the collar to simulate after the rest of the pattern, you can do so in the Layer field. For example, in this pattern, all the pieces except for the collar are defined as layer 1 and the collar is defined as layer 2

You can also adjust the symmetry of the pieces. The symmetry varies according to the piece and who the pattern is for. The rule of thumb is when creating women's patterns, the right side of the piece should be defined as Above and when creating men's patterns, the right side of the piece should be defined as Below. Applicable for pair pieces.

If you want to select a fabric for your pattern, you can do so under the Fabric Parameters area.

You can also define a different fabric parameters for each piece according to the desired fabric.