Creating a Marker Using the Marker Creation Wizard

You can use the Marker Creation Wizard when you want to create and define markers quickly and easily. With the Marker Creation Wizard, you can create multiple marker files, distribute style sets, define materials, sizes and bundles for a number of marker files at once, and define global properties, such as shrinkage, etc. You no longer have to define everything manually via Marker Order, Open Style Files, Piece Properties, etc. rather it can all be done easily using a user-friendly wizard. If you prefer using the manual way, you can still do so; however it is recommended you use this wizard to speed up the process.

If you need to make any changes, you can easily go back to the previous screen at any time during the process.

To create markers using the Marker Creation Wizard, proceed to the following steps:

Step 1

Launching the Marker Creation Wizard

Step 2

Selecting Style Files

Step 3

Defining Marker Files

Step 4

Defining Quantities

Step 5

Defining Table and Overlay Properties

Step 6

Defining Global Properties

Step 7

Defining Piece Properties

Step 8

Finishing the Marker File Creation