Defining Quantities

In this step, you can define the sizes per marker you require, quantity, alternative placement and rotation properties.

If your PDS file contains Variation Grading, this dialog will contain different functionality. See the process below for more information.

Note: This dialog is similar to the Order for Marker Making dialog. For more information, see Order For Marker Making.

  • On the right hand side, you can see the Marker file you previously defined.

  • The table is dynamic according to the Marker file you have selected and contains the number of sizes that were defined per style or variation gradings that were defined.

  • You can easily search for Marker files in the Search bar, if for example you have a lot of Marker files and you want to select a specific file.

  • You can use the quick menu to perform various actions on a Marker file. To access the quick menu, Closedclick here

    Select a Marker file, then right click with your mouse:

    The following options are available:

    • Duplicate Marker: Creates a copy of the selected Marker file.

      Notice the copied file appears in BLUE and contains a suffix at the end of the file name:

    • Split by Sizes: Splits the selected Marker file into a number of Marker files. This option can be helpful when you want to create separate Marker files per size. If you made any changes to the size table, this option will inherit those changes as well. For example, if you select a Marker file that contains six sizes, but you only want three sizes. First, let's clear size 36, 38 and 40 from the table.

      Before removing sizes

      After removing the sizes:

      After clicking Split by Sizes:

    • Add Sizes to File Names: Adds the size to the file name.

    • Remove Marker File: Removes the selected Marker file from the tree. You must select the specific Marker file and then select Remove Marker File; otherwise it will not be removed from the list.

      Note: This option in only available for"Duplicate Markers" or new Marker files that appear after "Split Size".

    • Propagate to Similar: This option is only enabled when the size table is displayed. This copies the size table and data that was defined to all the Marker files that contain the SAME size table. For example, if you clear 36, 38 and 40 and make changes to the table, all the Marker files will be updated accordingly.

      Before Propagate: (made changes to table, cleared sizes, added quantities, etc.)

      After Propagate: (notice the same attributes appear in all Marker files that contain the same sizes)

    • Expand All: Expands the entire tree.

    • Collapse All: Collapses the entire tree

To define quantities:

In the Marker Files area, select a Marker file.

Notice the table displays the values of the selected Marker file:

The table contains the following columns:




Displays all the sizes that were defined in the Style Set for the selected Marker file. You can select the checkbox next to the sizes you want included in the Marker file. If you clear a checkbox, the size will not be included in the Marker file.

Click the Sizes checkbox at the top to select all the sizes that were defined in the style file.

No Sizes

All Sizes


Displays the number of bundles required for the size.


Displays the number of bundles you want to apply alternative placement to.

Rotate 90

Defines the rotation of the bundle.


If you want to remove a size from the Marker, select the checkbox of the size you are removing.

Notice, the values appear as "0"

If the file you are using was defined with Variation Grading in the PDS, the dialog appears as follows:
Note: By Default, the base size automatically appears in the Sizes table.

In the Grading Variations area you can create a combination of sizes manually and then using the Right arrow move the combinations to the Sizes table. For example, create a few different combinations as follows:


You can use all variation grading that was created by selecting the All option from the drop-down list of each component:

Note: Take into account that if you select All for all the components (in our example Height/Size/Width), you will receive a large amount of combinations (all depending on the number of values that were defined).

The following steps are the same no matter what type of sizing was used.

If you want to define the number of bundles per size, in the Quantity column, enter the value you require.

If you want to automatically define bundles per amount of sizes, you can use the Multiple Bundle Quantities field.

In the Multiply By field, enter the number of bundles you want to apply to all the sizes. For example, enter 5.

If you want to only apply to the selected size, from the drop-down list, select Apply to Selected, otherwise, select Apply to All.

Here you can see the Quantity column was updated and shows the value 5 for all the sizes.

If you want to define alternative placement for a specific size, in the Alternative column enter the number of bundles which require alternative placement.

If you want to specify a percentage of the total bundle quantity, you can use the Auto Alternative Placing field.

In the Ratio % field, enter a percentage. For example, enter 50.

If you want to only apply to the selected size, from the drop-down list, select Apply to Selected, otherwise, select Apply to All.

Here you can see the Alternative column was updated and shows the value 2 for all the sizes.

If you want to define a rotation for the bundle, in the Rotate 90 column select one of the following options from the drop-down list:

None: No rotation is applied.

Left 90: The bundle rotates 90 degrees to the left.

Right 90: The bundle rotates 90 degrees to the right.

Rotate 180: The bundle rotates 180 degrees.

You can use the quick menu to perform various actions to the cells in the table. To access the quick menu, Closedclick here.

You have now completed the step of defining quantities per size for your Marker files.

Click Next to proceed to the next step Defining Table and Overlay Properties.