PDS-2D Updates
New in Version O/25.0
Compare Length: new menu items to Copy/Paste functionality
You can now use the new right click menu items Copy and Paste to apply values from the Compare Length table to other elements such as notch grading etc...
Enhanced Rectangular Piece Creation tool
Added an option to include dynamic grading points on the newly created rectangle based on the selected segments.
Reducing manual adjustments, improving accuracy, and speeding up the construction process.
For example: In 3D, the feature facilitates segment division to quick adding 3D Stitches:
Piece Information Text enhancements
Piece information text enhancements are aligned in Marker & PDS. They include more flexibility in the text shape, size, rotation and more...
Piece Description Is now named Piece Information Both in Piece Properties and Preferences.
A new Preferences and Piece Properties option allows you to keep all information in a single line, instead of the default: several lines:
When using a single line, the separator symbol can be selected in the preferences:
The Piece information text can now be re-sized visually directly with the piece on the desk.
This is done simply by clicking the text to display the box handles and then dragging as needed:
The text is re-sized:
The Piece information text can now be rotated visually directly with the piece on the desk:
Note: Starting in version O/25 you can also use the Rotate Contour or Text tool, with piece information text.
The operation is the same as for Text Tool texts. For more information see: Rotate Contour or Text
Script Builder
The Optitex Script Builder provides an easy to use GUI with which you can create batch scripts for both Marker & PDS.
A script can combine a chain of commands. it is now easier to create a complex script for multiple files with multiple different actions and parameters.
You can create and save templates to be used in generic processes.
You can search for commands using the search box.
Commonly used commands can be pinned on top.
You can also generate batch processes for all files included in a folder without have to specify each and every file.
The status bar shows more information about the selected command
Note: A License is required. The licensed module is Batch Command
For more information see: Optitex Script Builder overview
Standard Open File and Save As dialogs
From version 25 and onwards, the Open File and Save As dialogs are standard windows browse dialogs.
This includes the libraries and folders side bar, the search options, the refresh and the display options:
Extended the Character Limit for the Material Field in DXF file
Importing DXF files, is now allowing more detailed material descriptions, as the number of characters has been extended.
The new limit is 256 characters.
See also: