O/24.0 Release Notes

Service pack 4 released (19/11/2024)

Note: SP4 Is included in the new full installation package and is also provided as a separate service package.

Depending on the current status, you can use the full installation package or the service pack only.

  • If version O/24.0 is not installed, use the new full package

  • If O/24.0 exists, with, or without earlier service packs, the new service pack installation should be sufficient to upgrade it to the latest release.


After upgrading your version O/24.0 with the service pack, or installing the new full package, your about screen should show build number:


Included in O/24 Service Pack 4:

Bug fixes (see details below)


Service pack 2 released (24/7/2024)

Note: SP2 Is included in the new full installation package and is also provided as a separate service package.

Depending on the current status, you can use the full installation package or the service pack only.

  • If version O/24.0 is not installed, use the new full package

  • If O/24.0 exists, with or without service pack 1, the new service pack installation should be sufficient to upgrade it to the latest release.


After upgrading your version O/24.0 with the service pack, or installing the new full package, your about screen should show build number:


Included in O/24 Service Pack 2:

Improvements and bug fixes (see details below)


Service pack 1 released (7/5/2024)

Note: This setup cannot be installed on its own. it must only be installed after a full version O/24.0 installation has been completed.


After upgrading your version O/24.0 with the service pack, Your about screen should show build number:


Included in O/24 Service Pack 1:

PDS 2D/3D:

Improved the performance in 2D when the 3D properties panel is open.


Bug fixed (see details below)


Fixed and known issues in the latest version O/24.0

Important Information:


  • During the installation process, a restart may be required, depending on the Windows version and Microsoft redistributable packages installed on your computer.

  • We updated to the latest Nvidia & Photorealistic libraries. This introduces support for the new Ada Lovelace and Hopper GPU architecture, and further improvements in rendering speed and quality. You will need to update your Nvidia drivers to version 526.67 or later.
    With the recent Nvidia card rendering speed improvements, we also set the default 3D window rendering mode to be Photorealistic instead of Interactive. This will assure that what you see in the 3D window is what you get when rendering final images. Photorealistic mode performs complex recursive Raytracing creating completely realistic 3D scene representation. Interactive mode sacrifices quality for speed by performing some shortcuts. You can still switch to the interactive mode by pressing “I” in the 3D window. Recent generations of Nvidia graphics cards also allowed us to increase maximum image size for Photorealistic (Enhanced) rendering to 8k.

    Note: Renders Higher than 2k  would still take longer than 1 minute, depending on the graphics card.
    They should be used sparingly for high print generation only and on some older cards it may lead to “out of GPU memory” card error that would require PDS restart.

  • If you encounter either: View Fabric (pattern displayed on the desk) cannot be turned off and 2D actions are hidden. Or: After exporting to 3DDI, all pieces disappear form the desk and only reopening the file brings them back, the solution is in the Nvidia settings:

    1. Open the Nvidia Control panel

    2. Under 3D settings, select Manage 3D Settings

    3. Select OpenGL GDI compatibility

    4. From the dropdown menu select Prefer Compatible

    This should resolve the problems described above.

  • To ensure that the HQR and PR3D rendering engines work properly in Runway Viewer/Revu/PDS-3D applications, you need to configure the Nvidia settings as follows:
    Open the Nvidia Control Panel -> select Manage 3D settings -> select Program Settings tab -> click the "Add" button -> select the "Browse" button ->select "Optitex folder (C:\Program Files\Optitex) ->Select the  "Add Current Folder" button then click OK.
    Click the "Apply" button in the main dialog.

  • The new 3D Sample Pack does not include additional Vizoo, Swatchbook and JML materials (shaders).

Company name, your license key number (five digits), your full name, your role and your e-mail address.

  • To use the enhanced material appearance in Photo Realistic Rendering (O/21.1 or later):

    • Make sure to use the shaders' material directory which is provided as part of the installation.

    • If you use custom materials (shaders) previously converted from Vizoo(U3M), you need to re-convert these materials using the enhanced  Material Converter.

  • Avatars reminder: avatars that were created in older versions, may not work properly in version O/19.6 or later. To be able to use older avatars properly, users should do one of the following: 

    • In the Avatar Editor, copy the sizes from the old avatar to the new one (click here to view more details)

    • In the Avatar Editor, manually adjust the avatar to the desired size, according to the old avatar.

End-of-life notice for 3D Revu

As of version O/23.2, Optitex is removing Revu from its portfolio. In this new release, Revu is no longer available.

Instead of Revu, our customers are encouraged to use O/Cloud, which provides a more modern collaboration solution for 3D.

Fixed issues:

Click Closedhere to view the list.






TD-16630 GLB export error due to stitch name in Chinese Fixed O/24SP2
TD-16644 Camera Origin not centered on axis Fixed O/24SP2
TD-16689 PDS slow after using FDFX file Fixed O/24SP2
TD-16704 Stitch not displayed correctly Fixed O/24SP2
TD-16736 Wrong logo placement for GLB files in O/Cloud Fixed O/24SP2
PDSD-9068 Quality Zone of Seam Allowance not exported to Leather AAMA Fixed O/24SP4
PDSD-9004 Half Piece Quality Zonenot exported to Leather AAMA Fixed O/24SP4
PDSD-8589 Wrong sizes order in the techpack report Fixed O/24SP4
PDSD-9005 Crash with specific PDS file Fixed O/24SP2
PDSD-9042 L notches exported incorrectly to DXF Fixed O/24SP2
PDSD-8999 Added Quality Zones parameters for Report Writer Implemented O/24SP2
PDSD-8993 Improved symmetry export options now also for AAMA and Leather AAMA Implemented O/24SP2
PDSD-8508 ASTM Import scaling problem


PDSD-8683 Allow excluding buttons in sizes


PDSD-8858 Compare length clear button clears all table Fixed O/24.0
PDSD-8970 ASTM/AAMA export symmetry control


PDSD-8974 GBR export creates superfluous curve points Fixed O/24.0
MARK-4737 Internal text grading is not applied in Marker Fixed O/24SP4
MARK-4735 Specific file causes crash Fixed O/24SP4
MARK-4696 Wrong text per size behavior Fixed O/24SP2
MARK-4702 Marker Wizard: Wrong text per size behavior Fixed O/24SP2
MARK-4530 Graded text not displayed properly in marker Fixed O/24SP2
MARK-4671 Buffer added to pieces on marker wizard is not taking effect Fixed O/24SP2
MARK-4443 L notches issues in cut files Fixed O/24SP2
MARK-4594 Print and Cut not working in Ai 2023 / 2024 Fixed O/24SP2
MARK-4679 Marker Wizard - Button's track lines appear as cut Fixed O/24SP1
MARK-4511 Size quantity reset back to 1 in Marker Wizard Fixed O/24.0
MARK-4538 Bundles get a zero quantity when grouping PDS files in one order using the Marker Wizard Fixed O/24.0
MARK-4609 Nest++Pro: Max tilt not respected Fixed O/24.0
MARK-4630 Nest++Pro: Max tilt not respected again Fixed O/24.0
MARK-4640 Update removes the base size from the table Fixed O/24.0
IS-3945 Nesting Pack is now selected by default for new installations Implemented O/24SP2
IS-3652 Select Language tool is not available for all users on the start menu



CP-508 Time out error while using Cutplan automation




Known Issues:

Click Closedhere to view the list.





TD-16497 Loading an oaff file (Optitex Avatar Framework) while not logged in to O/Cloud Link, generates "Server Busy" message and hangs PDS. Make sure you are logged in to O/Cloud Link before attempting to load an oaff file.
TD-16496 STL file format cannot be loaded Use FBX or other supported formats


Move Texture tool is not working properly on the converted materials

Use Shader Attributes in 3D piece properties


Wrong glTF export while texture is not applied to pieces

glTF does not support transparency or diffuse for pieces where the texture is not assigned. Assign white images as a texture, and set transparency to 100%.


IR mode does not work when cloth is opened from *.clt file

IR mode is applicable only when the PDS+3D file is opened


GLB: Texture applied to visual stitch at variant level appears flipped on symmetry piece



Texture "bubbling" in PR3D when materials with alpha are used

Create a back mesh shader, assign all pieces to this shader, set shader to have Transparency of 100%.


3D cloth is not always saved within PDS file when the file is not stored locally

Copy the data (files) locally and work with the local data


Images generation issue when PDS file name ends with a space character

Avoid using empty space at the end of the PDS file name


Binding does not mirror placement properly on paired pieces

You can have the same binding twice with and without a button. If binding contains a button, button location serves as an anchor point. If binding is not defined with a button - its anchor point is the center of the binding profile. You can create these items without a button and then import these items via seam and stitch manager.


Default model views changed in O21.0 compared to previous versions

Open the model in Avatar Editor O21.0 or later, click the front view icon, then save the avatar.


Old custom views may not look the same in O21.0 version

Recreate new custom views in  version O21.0 or later


Custom views from previous versions may cause wrong views in the "4 views single image"

Select "Front View" before opening the Save Image dialog


Default size is not kept after saving the avatar in some use cases

Re-define the desired size as a default and re-save the avatar


Old Visual stitches textures do not appear correctly when opening files created in previous Optitex PDS versions  

All visual stitch textures should be rotated 90 degrees in the Shader Manager to display them correctly. This is following the improvement in Visual stitch functionality to display them in real size and according to baseline, matching the textures display. To rotate save fbx from shader manager, rotate in image editor and then re-load the rotated textures in all Variants and Articles. Alternatively rotate all visual stitch textures in shader manager by 90 degrees to be horizontal.


Wrong initial position of "Arm" location for pieces within the same group

To synchronize group pieces, select all the group pieces and then press Synchronize. Their Cylindrical Percentage also need to be changed together, because they are a group which acts like one piece.


The location of the 3D Move/Rotate tools is far from the selected piece

Some old avatars created in earlier versions with mating lines based on STEP format have a little patch that offsets avatar center. You can delete this patch and it would fix the problem. In version O/19.6 or later, in Avatar Editor, select the patch by LMB+Ctrl, delete selected patch by Shift+Del and save the avatar.


When switching sizes in Avatar Editor, operation takes time



Following save as FBX file format, segment shapes that have a "Flip" texture attribute may appear corrupted in the 3D window.

Click "Update now" to get segment shapes appear correctly in 3D window.


Clicking default button when Automotive industry selected, does not select "Use Regular Tessellation" property

Select "Use Regular Tessellation" property manually and click "OK".


PDS crashes when Bending field is empty

Use always 0.01 as a minimum value.


Button turns black in HQR if it has texture applied to it

Use OpenGL & PR3D rendering engines to visualize the garment.


Pieces exported to the 3DDI with a "Fixed" point attribute (was used for Modulate), lead to wrong texture coverage in the 3DDI plugin.

Review all pieces' points, remove the "Fixed" attribute, re-simulate the pattern, then re-create a new 3DDI pack.


Avatar disappear from 3D window when dressed garment is saves as

Avatar should be opened in Avatar Editor and saved as... with a name that begins with letters, not digits


Illustrative Rendering is not working when the Optitex 3D Revu application is installed

Uninstall both, Optitex 3D Revu and Optitex Full Suite, then first install Optitex 3D Revu and then Optitex Full Suite.




Fabric color set in Preferences is not saved

Avoid using square brackets for fabric names



Buffer type in the piece properties does not reflect the proper type if more then one types applied via "Edit Piece Buffer" dialog.




PDS files with Shader material 'Plain Woven' can't be opened in O/Cloud 3D Viewer

Don't use "Plain Woven" material in PDS if you upload files to O/Cloud


O/Cloud Link doesn't open on top after clicking continue button in upload to O/Cloud dialog in 3DDI

The icon in the taskbar starts flashing for 5 seconds and the notification number shows "1", then the icon is displayed in yellow color until you will open the O/Cloud Link. Click on the flashed icon to open O/Cloud link.



Language Pack

The Language Pack provides the translation of functions and menus from English to other languages.

If new features are not covered in the translation, they will appear in English.

Current status of available languages


 See also: