Using Material Converter

Use the material converter to convert different textures formats (U3M, U3MA, xTex) to Optitex materials.

The results can be used with Optitex PDS.

Material Converter output

Using Material Converter output with PDS

Using Material Installer

Sharing the converted materials

Converting Texture Maps to Materials

To convert materials using Material Converter:

From the Start menu under Optitex (version number), select Material Converter.

The Material Converter opens.

Select your Input File: either U3M, U3MA, xTex, or a zipped version of these files and folders.

Select an Output Folder  to save the result of the conversion.

Select a Prefix if needed. It is recommended to use a unique name that you can remember later.

Select Add to Optitex Media checkbox if you have PDS installed.

Create Installercheckboxis selected by default. It creates a file called materialfileinstaller.exe  in the output folder.

Note: Creating an Installer is optional. It is easier to share with other users this way, but it is not mandatory.

Click Convert.

At the end of the conversion process you will receive the following message:

 If the input texture files has width or height exceeding  2000 pix, the converter will downscale the texture proportionally to 2000 keeping the original document (physical) dimensions.

The new converted file can be found within the PDS Shader Manager.


  • Often, the output of material scanners are very large material maps that significantly slow down the CAD and Rendering applications. Therefore we create scaled versions of these maps for optimal performance in Optitex applications without loss of quality.


 See also:

Material Converter output

Using Material Converter output with PDS

Using Material Installer

Sharing the converted materials

Converting Texture Maps to Materials