Fabric Wizard: Bending Properties

The Bending Properties page provides you with the possibility to enter raw measurement data and perform the calculation of bending property (flexural rigidity).

The Bending Properties page provides you with the Angle and Height/Distance radio buttons allowing you to choose the bending measurement mode.

  • ClosedAngle

    The default Angle option allows you to measure bending using an inclined surface.

    There are following parameters available:



    Bending Angle (BA)

    Allows you to define the bending angle, which describes the orientation of the inclined surface which is used for the bending measurement.

    Bending Length (BL)

    The Bending Length table allows you to specify multiple results of the bending length measurements performed in Warp and Weft fabric directions. The average value is automatically calculated for entered data and used for further bending calculation.


  • ClosedHeight/Distance

    The Height/Distance option provides you with the possibility to measure bending using the step.

    There are following parameters available:



    Bending Height (BH)

    Allows you to define the bending angle, which describes the orientation of the inclined surface which is used for the bending measurement.

    Bending Length (BL) and Bending Distance (BD)

    The table allows you to specify multiple results of Bending Length and Bending Distance values measured in Warp and Weft fabric directions. The average values are automatically calculated for entered data and used for further bending calculation.


  • ClosedPhysical Properties

    Bend (Warp and Weft) fields provide you with values of corresponding physical properties calculated based on raw measurement data appearing within measurement data tables. The calculation of physical properties is performed every time when the content of the measurement data tables is updated.

    The calculated value is displayed in the Bend Warp and Bend Weft fields using dyn*cm units. The Bend fields are accompanied with the check box allowing you to override the automatically calculated value.