Uploading your 3DDI Design to O/Cloud

You can upload images and 3D files from a 3DDI style to Optitex O/Cloud using O/cloud Link  which is included in 3DDI:

Optional elements are:


  • Single and 360 images can be created with, or without transparent background.

  •  In the current version,  glTF and GLB files that are uploaded to O/Cloud using O/Cloud link do not contain materials.

  • Currently, the 3D viewer in  O/Cloud does not support materials.

To upload directly from 3DDI using O/cloud Link

  1. In 3DDI, click the Upload To O/Cloud icon:

The Upload To O/Cloud dialog opens:

  1. Select the desired images, 3D format and options you want to upload.

  2. Click Continue. O/Cloud Link upload wizard opens.

    •  If it is the fist time you are using O/Cloud Link, you will have to login first:

    • Enter your O/cloud credentials and click Login.

    • Select Remember Me to stay logged in.

    • If you are already logged in, the wizard opens directly:

The Upload wizard Opens:

  1.  Select the O/Cloud location for the upload and click Next.


  1. In step 2 of the wizard you can name the design and enter optional description and parameters:

  1. Click Next:

  1. In Step 3 of the wizard you see a summary of the upload, and you can also tag your team members and write them a message.

    1. To tag a team member, type @ and select the person you want to tag.

    2. The tagged people will get an e-mail with your message .

  2. Click Upload. The design is being uploaded.

  3. To view the upload progress and the upload history, you can open O/Cloud link from the tray, or from the Start Menu.

  1. You can get a direct link to an uploaded style in the list by clicking the Copy icon next to the date:

    • Paste the copied link in a browser address bar to view the uploaded elements.


 See also:


Exporting Your 3D Design

Creating Snapshots in 3DDI