2D Zooming With the Keyboard

Use the keyboard shortcuts to activate different zoom functions.

Most of the available keyboard shortcuts are listed in the zoom tools drop-down list.

The keyboard shortcuts operate similar to using the toolbar.

Some of them require additional mouse actions, while others apply a zoom level immediately.

To zoom using keyboard shortcuts:

  1. Make sure the focus is on the 2D desk (or click the pattern design area)

  2. Type the keyboard key, or combination of keys of the required zoom function.

  3. Complete the action with the mouse if needed.


The zoom keyboard shortcuts

(continued by dragging with the mouse)

  • Num automatically zooms in by one level.

Repeat to proceed to the next level.

  • Num  automatically zooms out by one level.

Repeat to proceed to the next level.

(requires an existing selection)



  • Nummeans thenumbers padon the keyboard. If you use the non num-pad keys, it will not work!

  • To see the list of all PDS keyboard shortcuts go to Help > keyboard shortcuts map...

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