Creating the Marker File

Once you have your PDS file prepared with textures and your piece geometry saved in a PDF file, you can create a Marker file.

In the Marker Definitions dialog, the Waste Limits settings at the bottom of the dialog should be assigned to sufficiently place cut marks outside of pieces and the QR code. The size of waste limits should be greater than the sum of the cut marks diameter and offset from cut line parameters defined during the Print & Cut file generation. When the QR code should be placed, the waste limit for the left side should also be greater than the 6 cm left for the QR code.

The Gap between pieces is specified in the Preferences prior to the nesting and should also be defined, taking into account cut marks placement. The Gap should be greater than the sum of the cut mark diameter and doubled offset from the cut lines distance. In such a way, the Gap between pieces will be enough to place the cut mark between two adjacent pieces.

Now you can create a Marker file in the usual way, taking into account the correct values mentioned above - and then perform the nesting. Once this is done, you can run the Print & Cut.

Now you can move on to the last step, Creating a Print & Cut File.

 See also: Print & Cut