Batch Command Syntax

Use the following format for batch commands:

  @<Command> [[/]<Keyword>=<Value>] ... [; <Comment>]

Every command starts from the @ symbol and contain the command itself (see the list below), keywords and optional comments.

For example:


/FILE = D:\_work\_temp\BatchOnSave\baseball.dxf



Using comments

It is allowed to use custom comments in batch files. Every comment starts from the semicolon symbol.

For example:


;Export to DXF

/FILE = D:\_work\_temp\BatchOnSave\baseball.dxf



File names format

File names with special symbols such as space, comma etc. should appear enclosed into quotation marks. For example:


/FILE = "D:\_work\_temp\Batch On Save\exported baseball.dxf"


In this example the name is enclosed into quotation marks since it have spaces.

File names without special symbols may appear without quotation marks.

For example:


/FILE = D:\_work\_temp\BatchOnSave\baseball.dxf


Units of numeric values

Numeric values appearing in the batch file are unitless. During the batch file execution, current working units set in are utilized.

To prevent ambiguity in units handling, it is recommended to specify units used through the current batch file in the beginning using the @UNIT command.


Silent mode

It is possible to launch PDS or Marker application and execute batch file there in a silent mode using the /s flag in the command line

E.g. marker.exe /s "C:\temp\1.btf"


 See also: