Configure the Mark-10 ES303 test stand

Using the Mark-10 ESM303 test stand user interface provided by the Control Panel, configure the machine as follows:


  1. Press the Menu button to start configuring the test stand.

  1. Once the configuration menu is displayed, use arrow buttons to navigate to required configuration parameters.

  1. Navigate to UNITS and press the ENTR button to edit this parameter.

  1. Using + and – buttons, set the value of mm/min.

  1. Confirm the selected setting with the ENTR button.

  1. In the same manner as explained above, navigate to the SPEED parameter, and set it to be 254.

  1. Navigate to the HI LIMIT parameter (High Limit) and set it to be 400.

  1. Navigate to the LO LIMIT parameter (Low Limit) and set it to be -400.

  1. Navigate to the OVERLD parameter (Overload) and set it to be MARK-10.

  1. Navigate to the COMP OVERLD parameter (Compression Overload) and set it to be 120%.

  1. Navigate to the TEN OVERLD parameter (Tension Overload) and set it to be 120%.

  1. Navigate to the CONTROL parameter and set it to be PC.

  1. Navigate to the BAUD RATE parameter and set it to be 115200.

  1. Navigate to the STOP & PAR parameter and set it to be 8-1n.

  1. Press ESC button to confirm settings and exit from the menu.

  1. The confirmation message will be displayed.

Confirm the message with the YES button.

  1. Settings will be saved.

The configuration of the Mark-10 ESM303 test stand is completed.

Note:For more information about the Mark-10 ESM303 tension meter settings refer to the ESM303 Motorized Test Stand User’s Guide available at


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