3D Scale Piece

You can use the 3D Scale Piece tool, when you want to stretch or shrink 3D items.

Icon & Location

  • Toolbar: 3D

To use the 3D Scale Piece tool:

Select the tool from the 3D toolbar.

A scaling manipulator with 4 scaling handles is displayed:

Select a 3D item in the 3D window and double-click.

A scaling box appears:

While standing on one of the corners, click then drag the mouse in the selected handle directions.

To navigate in the 3D window while using the tool, hold down the Ctrl key.

To release the tool, right-click anywhere in the 3D window.

Note: In order to get symmetry indicators, pieces should be defined as half/mirror. All move/rotate/scale tools support this feature. For more, see Positioning Pieces in 3D and Adjusting.