Remove All Grainlines

You can use the Remove All Grainlines tool, when you want to delete all grainlines (that you created by converting internal contour lines), from your pattern.

A grainline determines how the piece will be placed in the Marker and is created via the Make Grainline tool.

Icon & Location

  • Menu: Piece > Baseline > Remove All Grainlines

To use the remove all grainlines tool:

Open a pattern with grainlines. In the example below you can see that there are two grainlines inside the piece.

From the main menu, go to Piece > Baseline > Remove All Grainlines.

The Remove Grainlines in Pieces dialog appears

Select the radio button to define which pieces you want to apply this change to:

All Pieces in the File: Select if you want all pieces in the file (regardless if they appear in the Working Area) to change.

All Piece on Working Area: Select if you want all pieces that appear in the Working Area to change.

All Selected Pieces: If you selected pieces before opening the dialog, select if you want change all the pieces that are selected piece.

Current Piece Only: Select if you want to apply the change to the current piece only.

Click Ok.

Here you can see that the current piece no longer contains grainlines: