Make Grainline

You can use the Make Grainline tool when you want to change an internal contour line (with only 2 points) into a Grainline. In the PDS you can create more than one baseline using the grainline tool. You can then select a different baseline/grainline when creating a style set, when loading a PDS file in the Marker, etc.

Icon & Location

  • Menu: Piece > Baseline > Make Grainline

To use the make grainline tool:

  1. Select an internal contour.

  2. From the main menu, go to Piece > Baseline > Make Grainline.

    The internal contour is converted to a grainline. Notice if you select the line, it appears as a Grainline in the Internal Properties dialog:

    Note: You can apply this command also to several selected internal contours (even if non-straight lines are selected).