Creating Arcs while Drafting

You can create an arc while drafting when you want to add an arced curve to your pattern, for example for an armhole, crotch, neck, shoulder, etc.

To create an arc while drafting:

  1. Start the Draft tool.

  2. Start drafting (move with your mouse and click to create the next line).

  3. When you reach the point where you want an arc, right click with your mouse.


There are three options for creating arcs.

ClosedArc Via Chord, click here

Allows you to create the arc from point to point via a chord.

  1. Select Arc Via Chord.

    The Draft Arc Segment on Chord dialog appears:

    Here you can design the arc according to the points on the segment and the radius between the arc and the center.

    For example, enter 6 Points (these are the points of the arc) and define a radius of 12 (you can enter a positive or negative number):

  2. Click Ok.

ClosedArc Circle Points, click here

Allows you to create the arc using points around a circle.

  1. Select Arc Circle Points.

    A preview appears allowing you to draw the arc you require.

  2. Using your mouse move to the point where you want to create your arc, for example make your end point at 37.52 centimeters on the circle:

  3. Click with your mouse to create the arc and then finish drafting.

    Your arc is created as follows:

ClosedArc using Center, click here

Allows you to create the arc by starting at the center and defining an end point.

  1. Select Arc using Center.

    A preview appears allowing you to move around the circle by a defined point.

  2. Move your mouse to a location on the circle to define the end point of the arc.

    Once you select a defined radius the segment becomes an arc according to the location you selected.

 See also: Draft tools