Adding a Dart to a Pattern that was Imported into Optitex

If you have imported a file into Optitex you can add darts where required. If you imported a DFX file, all darts are imported as internal lines. You first have to convert the internals so the darts can be recognized by Optitex.

To add a dart to an imported pattern:

  1. Open the file you have imported. Notice there are internal lines. These internal lines represent the darts.

  2. First select the Dart Tool from the Toolbox:

  3. Click on the external where you want to add the fist leg of your dart.

  4. Click on the first point and then click on the second point to create the first and second leg of the dart.

  5. Drag the tip inside the dart and click:

    A dart is created:

  6. Select the internal line and delete it since you no longer need it.

    Click on the dart tip to select the entire dart.

    Here you can see the Dart Properties:

  7. You can edit the dart's properties as required. For more information, see Create Dart.