Creating New Guide Lines from Existing Ones

New guide lines may be created based on existing ones.

The new guide line can be defined by the properties dialog when holding Control and  clicking an existing guide line.

The properties dialog allows defining the new line parameters in relation to the existing line.

Creating a new guide line from a current guide line

Control + click a guideline to create a new parametric line:

  1. Activate the selection tool.

  2. Control + click a guideline (The place clicked determines the new line position)

The guideline's properties dialog opens:

  1. Use one of the available options to create a new line:

    1. ClosedHorizontal

      1. Select Horizontal.
      2. (Optional) enter a value in theDistance From LineField.
      3. ClickOK.
        The new guide line is created.
    2. ClosedVertical

      1. Select Vertical.
      2. (Optional) enter a value in theDistance From LineField.
      3. ClickOK.
        The new guide line is created.


    3. ClosedAngle

      1. Select Angle.
      2. Enter a value in theangleField.
      3. ClickOK.
        The new guide line is created.

        Note: Clicking the button, toggles the angle value by 90 degrees or vice versa.



    4. ClosedInteractive line

      1. Click the button.
      2. Click and drag to designate the new guide line axis.
      3. Release the mouse.
        The new guide line is created based on the mouse action.

        Note: You can click and drag  between any two points, or anywhere on the desk.


Note: If instead of Control + clicking you open the ClosedGuide Line Properties dialog by Double clicking, the same actions are applied to thecurrent lineinstead of a new line.


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