Animation Tips

Here are some tips for the animation process:

  • When loading the animation cache, it is verified that the cache has exactly the same number of vertices as the currently loaded style.
    If there is a mismatch, a message will appear “cache not matching style”.
    Rewind and Refresh Cloth before loading cache to match cache to the currently loaded style.

  •  Set your camera to be close to the avatar and verify that avatar stays inside the screen when animated.
    Preview this in the 3d window, then render in OpenGL.
    Now you are ready to create Photorealistic rendering.

  •  Frames 1-6 of the animation are used for style stitching assembly and will not appear in the final animation sequence.  
    Save Images will generate animation sequence starting from frame 7.

  • It you simulate multiple cloth layers (e.g. tank top on top of leggings) and the top layer is sliding up, we recommend reducing the resolution of the top layer pieces.

  • If you simulate tight fitting cloth that has collision with the avatar body during simulation, simulate till the end and play the animation result.
    Sometimes collision is present only in the intermediary sub-frames and not for the final rendered frames.

  • If you simulate tight fitting cloth and get collision with the avatar body in the final animation result, try adjusting the following global simulation parameters:
    (1) Distance to Avatar, setting it to 0.4cm.
    (2) Avatar motion speed to 0.5 or 0.7 cm.

  • If your animated style is loose fitting and flying too far behind the moving avatar, reduce Avatar Motion Speed parameter to 1cm.
    This can help improve the effect. Default avatar motion speed is 2cm for animated avatars.

  • When simulating multiple cloth layers as above, everything must be brought in together to PDS as a single merged style.
    Animation does not support loading and animating clt format files.


Known Issue: During animation, if you press Pause and immediately Rewind, without waiting for the animation to actually stop in the 3d window, PDS crashes.
This will be fixed in O22 SP1. Meanwhile, please make sure that the animation
has stopped in the 3d window before clicking Rewind in the Animation Dialog.


 See also: