Animation MPEG video creation

When rendering animation from cache, you can get alongside the AVI video, also an MPEG video.

For this you need use a special converter.

To get an mpeg video output,  you should download ffmpeg.exe converter and place it in the O/22 (or later)  Application directory.
Usually C:\Program Files\Optitex\Optitex 22\App)

 If PDS finds this executable during Rendering Animation from cache, it will convert the avi to an mpeg video clip.

To install and use the MPEG converter :


  1. Go to

  2. In Get packages & executable files, click the Windows icon.

Windows EXE Files is displayed.

  1. Click Window builds by BtbN.

    A GitHub page is displayed.
    Releases are listed in sections, with the newest release at the top of the page.
    For example one release is 
    Auto-Build 2020-10-18 12:31.
    Under each release are several 
    ZIP files.

  2.  In the list under the newest release, click the file with the suffix  for example:

    • ZIP file is downloaded to your computer.

  3.  Extract the ZIP file.

  4. Open the extracted folder and navigate down to the bin sub-folder.

  5. Select ffmpeg.exe and copy the file.

  6. Paste the file toC:\Program Files\Optitex\Optitex 22\App


 See also: