
You can use the Array option, when you want to create an array from a number of selected pieces. This function is used to array a grouping based on input from the user of X and Y spacing.

Note: You must have enough pieces in the Marker, in order to create the matrix. Make sure the number of bundles is large enough in the Marker Order. For more information, see Order For Marker Making.

Icon & Location

  • Menu: Marker > Array

  • Toolbar: Marker Tools

To make an array:

Open a Marker file.

Place pieces.

Select piece(s) either directly from the Working Area, or in the Piece Bar.

From the main menu, go to Marker > Array.

The Repeat Placement dialog appears:

In the Columns field, enter the number of columns you want to create the array in.

In the Rows field, enter the number of rows you want to create the array in.

In the X and Ystep fields, enter the amount of space you want between the pieces.

Select the Enable quantity overflow checkbox, if you want to allow the quantity to exceed the values in the order.

Click Ok.

The array is created: