Installing/updating the license drivers
Install or update the licensing run time environment when:
This web page: http://localhost:1947/_int_/devices.html cannot be found.
When you get license related errors during/after the Optitex installation.
When something is malfunctioning with the license.
When your hardware dongle light is not on.
Note: You must have full administrative permissions to install the license
run time environment.
To download and install the latest licensing run time environment
Go to this page. The latest version should be listed on top.
Click Sentinel HASP/LDK Windows GUI Run-time Installer[version #].
Click the download link.
Accept the license agreement and proceed with the download.
Save the file.
Make sure to unzip the file.
Run HASPUserSetup.exe as administrator.
Verify the installation by going to this page http://localhost:1947/_int_/diag.html. The drivers version is displayed.
Go to this page: http://localhost:1947/_int_/devices.html to see your license key.
See also: