Mark-10 Tension Meter Calibration

The machine calibration is a mandatory step enabling you to achieve the measurement precision. The machine calibration is performed in the Fabric meter application via an automated cycle. The calibration is required every time the machine is turned on.

During the calibration procedure, the zero position of the upper grip (where the upper grip touching the motionless lower grip) is detected. Accurate detection of the zero position provides you with precision of the actual elongation measurement performed through stretching test.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Calibrate button in the Settings dialog box.

  1. The automated calibration cycle starts. During this procedure, the upper grip is moved towards the lower grip until they touch. Once the grips touch each other with some pressure, the travel indicator is set to zero. The zero level of the force is determined as well.

  2. Once the calibration is completed, grips are placed at a distance of ~10cm; the force gauge is set to zero.


It is recommended to perform the calibration each time the machine is turned off or when zero settings were changed.


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