Import Fabrics

Use the Import Fabrics command to import fabrics from other fabric libraries into the current one.

Icon & Location

  • Menu: Fabric > Import Fabrics

  • Toolbar Icon:

To import fabrics:

  1. Select a fabric or folder in the Fabric List.

  2. From the main menu, go to Fabric > Import Fabrics

    The Open dialog appears:

  3. Navigate through the file system and choose a fabric library. It is allowed to select fabric libraries in FDFX format as well as in legacy FDF format (used before Optitex O19 version).

  4. Click Open to open the fabric library file.

  5. The content of the selected library will be imported into a new folder named as the fabric library chosen for the import.

    • In the case of selected fabric, fabrics are imported into a new folder located at the same level as selected fabric.

    • In the case of selected folder, fabrics are imported into a new folder located within the selected folder.