Optitex Viewer

The Optitex Viewer is a standalone utility that allows you to view PDS and MRK files without the need for an Optitex license. With the Optitex Viewer you can view all pieces in the file one at a time, view piece properties, including names, points, stitches, fill color, etc. as well as print, plot, and arrange for plot.

The viewer consist of two splitter windows that “remember” the sizes and positions in all parent applications.

PDS file opened with Optitex Viewer

MRK file opened with Optitex Viewer.

How it works embedded in PDS

  1. Click File > Merge Style File

  2. The Merge File dialog appears.

  3. Choose one ore more pieces and click Apply. The merge mechanism should then run.

  4. The viewer has ability to drag and drop one or more pieces from the preview window, or from the list of pieces to run the merge.

How it works embedded in PDS

How it works in Windows shell

  1. Click RBM on the PDS file. “Open with Optitex Viewer” appears.

  2. Click it to run the Viewer.

How it works in Windows shell

Current capabilities:

  • Additional tools available for printing, plotting, arrange to plot operations.

  • Enabled to change such show properties of the Wiewer as viewing the names, points, stitches, fill color and so on.

  • You can open any new PDS file within the Viewer and from Windows Explorer.

  • Able to run between the files in the current folder within the Viewer.

  • Ability to open Marker files and view the window of sizes in the current file.


Optitex Viewer Menu Features

You can use the ClosedTolerance Check Tool to verify if a cut piece's size is within a certain tolerance.

The Tolerance Check tool enables you to verify if a cut piece's size is within a certain tolerance. You can perform this verification by placing a cut piece onto a large-size monitor, displaying the actual piece geometry in real size.

With Tolerance Check, you can also:

  • Define the tolerance for the geometry of an actual piece.

  • Have control over the display of the geometry corresponding to the upper and lower limits of the tolerance field.

  • Separately control the display of tolerance boundaries for external and internal cut contours, as well as for notches.

To use the Tolerance Check tool:

In the Optitex Viewer, click the Tolerance Check button on the toolbar.

Note: This button is enabled when the Validation Mode is activated and a single piece is selected in the Piece List; otherwise the button is disabled.

The Tolerance Check dialog box appears. Using the options here, you can control the display of the geometry representing the upper and lower limits of the tolerance field.

Preset enables you to define and activate preset options used through this dialog box. The preset is composed of all parameters and options available within the dialog box, including:

  • Upper/Lower tolerance limit values.

  • Visibility rate for Upper/Lower limit geometry.

  • The state of the Show Tolerance for Internal Cuts option.

  • The state of the Show Notches on Tolerance Geometry option.

These options form a preset that can be stored and then loaded back into the dialog box. The Save button allows you to choose and activate a preset from the list, and save the current set of data appearing within the Tolerance Check dialog box as a new preset. Once you click Save, the Save Preset dialog box appears, which enables you to specify the name of the preset.

The Tolerance section enables you to define the upper and lower tolerance limits, as well as control the visibility of the corresponding geometry. Once a certain limit is specified, the tolerance limit geometry is created by offsetting the initial nominal piece geometry. When the offset geometry is created, it is displayed. A positive tolerance value generally increases the pieces area, whereas a negative value contracts the piece. When a zero value is specified, the offset is not calculated.

The visibility toggle buttons allow you to control the visibility of the corresponding tolerance limit geometry. When a visibility toggle button is turned off, the corresponding tolerance limit geometry does not appear in the graphics area.

Show Tolerance for Internal Cuts gives you advanced control over the visibility of tolerance geometry for internal cuts. When this option is selected, the tolerance limit geometry is calculated and displayed for internal cuts as well. When this option is not selected, internal cuts are skipped during the tolerance limit geometry calculation and display.

Note:This option does not control the visibility of internal cuts in the nominal piece geometry. The display of internal cuts on the nominal geometry is controlled normally via Display Attributes.

Show Notches on Tolerance Geometry gives you advanced control over the display of notches on the tolerance geometry. When this option is selected, notches are displayed on the tolerance limit geometry. When this option is not selected, notches are not displayed on the tolerance limit geometry.

Note:This option does not control the visibility of notches in the nominal piece geometry. The display of notches on the nominal geometry is controlled normally via Display Attributes.

Notes that when this option is selected, notches are displayed on tolerance limit geometry at an automatically calculated position. Once a notch is transposed from the nominal geometry to tolerance limit geometry, it is placed on the same segment, preserving the same proportion of distances between the notch and the two neighboring geometry vertices (located before and after the notch).


ClosedAdditional options within Validation Mode let you validate cut pieces against piece geometry displayed in real scale on a 4k screen.

With Validation Mode, you can validate cut pieces against piece geometry displayed in real scale on a 4k screen. This helps enhance quality control efficiency, and reduces the need for cardboard, paper, or plastic patterns - saving on time, cost, and storage.

Validation Mode is viewable from the Pattern Validation toolbar and the View menu. It utilizes the existing single piece focus of Optitex Viewer when viewing a PDS file.

The following options are available in Validation Mode:

  1. Pan tool - moves the piece on the canvas.

  2. Free rotation - handles on the corners of the bounding box will allow you to rotate freely around the bounding box diagonal crossing.

  3. Rotate 90° clockwise

  4. Rotate 90° counter-clockwise

  5. Rotate 180°

  6. Enter Validation Mode - will be entered only when there is a single piece on the canvas. The button zooms the view to 1:1 mode, positioning the piece in the center of the screen.

  7. Lock (zoom and pan are locked) - This will automatically be on when you enter Validation Mode. If you disable the lock, you can then pan and move the piece. Note that you cannot change the zoom factor while in Validation Mode.

  8. Set Scale - Allows you to scale the piece up to the allowed tolerance. For example, selecting 1 on the X axis will scale the piece in the percentage equivalent to 1 cm/PieceWidth. Maintain Aspect Ratio ensures that the X/Y scaling maintains the aspect ratio. Show Nominal Path presents the original piece contour when checked; otherwise, only the scaled version is presented. Show Max and Show Min display the maximum and minimum scaling, respectively, on the X and Y axis.

  9. Offset Grid Tool - When clicking this, the top most, bottom most, right most, left most points and a grid of reference lines will be presented. The horizontal/vertical grid lines will be trimmed by a predefined length parameter in the INI file, and if they intersect. See the Optitex Viewer INI Settings file for more information on the various grid definitions.

  10. Ruler - Presents a visual ruler on the screen. When the ruler is selected, the rotate and pan tools will move/rotate the ruler and not the piece. Ruler coordinates are in skips of 0.5 mm from 0 to 20 mm. The ruler can be toggled on only in Validation Mode.

Additional information on these options can be found in the Optitex Viewer INI Settings file - including editable fields, color and grid definitions, and configurations.