Defining Custom Defaults

Once you have created/adjusted your own sizes, you can define defaults, including: poses, sizes, accessories and add-ons. This allows you to set the defaults that will be available in the PDS after the user opens the avatar. For example, if you define the default final pose Fit_T2A, this pose will be the final pose by default after simulation in the PDS 3D.

The available options are dynamic according to what was tagged in the avatar; therefore you may not see all the options.

You can click on each thumbnail under Final Poses in the Tagged Properties tab and then view each final pose:

To define custom defaults:

Select the Tagged Properties tab.

To define a default final pose, expand the Final Poses section.

You can see all the poses that were loaded with the avatar. The poses appear with the pose name and a thumbnail so you can see the animation.

To set a default final pose, select the pose you want as the default pose, and then right click with your mouse to invoke the quick menu.

From the drop-down list, select Define Default.

You can set a default size from the Sizes section, and then right click with your mouse to invoke the quick menu.

From the drop-down list, select Define Default.

To define default accessories/add-ons, expand either Accessories or Add-ons.

Note: You can only change accessories/add-ons on static poses, not animated.

Locate the property you want to define as a default. For example, if you want the avatar to open with elegant shoes in the PDS by default, expand Accessories, click on Foot and select the Elegant checkbox as follows:

Repeat this for all properties you are defining.