Show Selected Piece

You can use the Show Selected Piece tool when you want to display a specific piece in the 3D window. Once this tool is enabled, you can then select different pieces in 2D and view them on the 3D model.

This tool works with/without simulating the cloth.

Note: You must first select a piece in the 2D window, to enable this option in the 3D toolbar.

Icon & Location

  • Toolbar: Display

To use the Show Selected Piece tool:

  1. Open up your PDS file.

  2. From the 3D toolbar, click to place the pattern on the model.

  3. (Optional) Simulate the cloth.

  4. In the 2D window, select a piece. For example, select the sleeve:

  1. From the 3D toolbar, from the drop-down list, select Show Selected Piece:

    Notice only the sleeve appears on the 3D model: