Selection Tools

You can use the 3D Selection options to easily select multiple items in the 3D Model window. Using the 3D Selection options you can create and use groups of selected items by saving sets and reloading them at your convenience.

Icon & Location

  • Select 3D Items

  • Select 3D Items by Painting

  • 3D Selection Options

  • Toolbar: Editing & Selection

To use selection tools:

  1. To select items, click on the Select 3D Items icon.

  2. With your mouse start clicking on objects in the 3D window.

    The object is colored in Green to show you what was selected as follows:

  1. If you want to select multiple items, click on the Selection Options icon  to open the Selection Options dialog:

  1. View the fields as follows:



New Selection

Each selection will replace the previous one.

Add To Selection

Each selection will be added to the previous one. This will allow you to select items continuously.

Subtract From Selection

Each selection will be subtracted from selected items

Inverse Selected

Toggle between Add to selection and Subtract from selection: first click on an item will add it to selection, second click on the same item will subtract it from selection.

Grow Selection Region

Expands the region of selected items outwards to adjacent items.

Shrink Selection Region

Reduces the region of selected items inwards in all directions

Save Selection  Set

Allows you to save a set that can be used over and over.

ClosedTo create a selection set, click here.

  1. Select the items.

  2. Select "Save Selection Set"

  3. Type a name for the set or choose existing set to add to

  4. Click OK.

    Note: The Sets are saved in a file called SetSelect.rwf
    View the location of this file in the Scene Info window
    If you want to use the sets you saved on a different computer, then copy this file to the same root on that computer.


Load Selection Set

Allows you to load a set that was previously saved.

ClosedTo load a selection set, click here.

  1. Click Load Selection Set.

  2. In the Load Set dialog choose the set you want to load.

  3. You can filter the list according to specific file (model file, pds file):

    Load Set window, not filtered

    Load Set window, filtered according to current model.

  1. Choose one of the options, Add to selection or Subtract from selection.

  2. Click OK.


  1. Click on 3D items, draw bounding box or paint select them to select the items. The selected items will be colored with grey.

  2. Right-click to exit the 3D Selection. Exiting the tool will not cancel the selection.

  3. Another right-click will cancel your selection.