Modifying the Resolution

Each piece of cloth is represented in the 3D viewer by a mesh made of triangles. Smaller triangles means more accuracy to represent the piece's complex curved lines, folds and wrinkles.

Low Resolution: means bigger triangles to represent the piece and thus less accuracy in representing complex curved lines. 

High Resolution: means smaller triangles to represent the piece and thus more accuracy in representing complex curved lines, folds and wrinkles.

In most cases, a low resolution of 1.5 is enough to produce high quality simulation results. If you use a higher resolution, this effects the simulation performance so use this control wisely.

Note: The higher the number, the lower the resolution. For example, 0.8 cm is higher than 1.5 cm.

There are two ways to modify the resolution of your pattern. Click one of the options to view more information.

ClosedManually adjust the resolution via 3D Properties

  1. In the 3D Properties dialog, expand Positioning.

  2. In the Resolution field, enter the resolution you require. By default, the resolution is 1cm.

  3. Use a low resolution of 1.5 cm to produce high quality simulation results for example with small pieces or pieces that show fold details.

  4. Use a high resolution of 0.8 cm for large and flat pieces.

ClosedUse Refine/ Simplify Cloth from the 3D toolbar

  1. In the 3D window, from the  drop-down list, select one of the following:

  • Refine Cloth: If you want to increase the resolution.

  • Simplify Cloth: If you want to decrease the resolution.

Notice the Resolution field is updated accordingly.

  1. Keep on clicking on one of the options until you reach your desired resolution.

Note: The resolution either increases or decreases by 0.5 cm increments each click.