Using the Build Patch Tool

Use the Build Patch Tool to build patches and flatten them to 2D.

Icon & Location

  • (Ctrl+7)

  • Toolbar: 3D Flattening

To use the Build Patch:

Select the Build Patch Tool.

Left-click inside a closed boundary of 3D lines.

The area will be highlighted to indicate the patch was built.

If the area is not closed a 3D Text message "Open Border" will appear next to the open boundary.

If you want to continue and flatten the patch then re-click on the patch. The new pattern piece will appear in the Pieces window.

If you want to set the Baseline direction before flattening the patch to 2D, then right-click to exit the Build Patch Tool and use the 3D Baseline Tool to set the baseline direction. Select the Build Patch Tool again and left-click on the patch. The new pattern piece will appear in the Pieces Window.

Error Messages

  1. 3D Flattening Error: Unable to create the patch. Please select a closed path.

    • Check that all points are connected, the Tool does not allow selection of an open area. You can recognize open areas by the 3D Text message "Open Border".


Cannot build the correct patch, the patch is extending beyond the designated boundary

  1. Select and Delete the patch.

  2. Use the Edit Pins Tool to move the pins through which the patch "leaked". If the pin moves and line doesn't then they need to be connected with the Draw Path Tool before attempting to build the patch.

Cannot build patch even when all lines are connected

Cut the area to smaller areas using the Draw Path Tool and build again.

A patch was created in a seemingly open area

Select the patch and Delete it. Sometimes areas that appear to be open are actually considered geometrically closed by the tool.