Bounding Box Measure

The Bounding Box Measure tool allows you to use a bounding box to measure the height, width and depth of 3D objects.

Icon & Location

  • Toolbar: 3D

To use the Bounding Box Measure tool:

  1. From the 3D Toolbar, click on the Model Properties icon and from the drop-down list, select Bounding Box Measure as follows:

    A bounding box appears: If you have a cloth in the 3D window it looks like this:

  1. To view different measurements, click on the cursor and with your mouse move, rotate, etc.

  1. Press Shift to add other objects into the bounding box.

  2. Pres Alt to add a bounding box around each separate selection.

  1. Press Ctrl, to navigate in the 3D window without leaving the tool.

  2. Right Mouse click to exit the tool.