Additional functionality available within the GPU mode

Here are some additional functionality that is operated via keyboard shortcuts.

These are only valid during GPU simulation, before closing the GPU simulation mode.

Note: for the key combinations to function, the focus must be in the 3D window. For that, you can click inside the 3D window.

Displaying X Y Z Axes:

Toggle Axes display on, or off with the Keyboard shortcut:

Left Ctrl + Left Alt + o


Displaying Ground Grid:

Toggle Ground Grid display on, or off with the Keyboard shortcut:

Left Shift + Left Alt + g


Switching to Wireframe view:

Toggle Hide/Show Wireframe view with the Keyboard shortcut:

Left Ctrl + Left Alt + w


Hiding the cloth:

Toggle Hide/Show cloth with the Keyboard shortcut:

Left Ctrl + Left Alt + g


Hiding the Avatar:

Toggle Hide/Show Avatar with the Keyboard shortcut:

Left Ctrl + Left Alt + a


Displaying unique colors:

Toggle Hide/Show Unique colors with the Keyboard shortcut:

Left Ctrl + Left Alt + u


 See also: GPU Simulation Overview